Findependence Day

December 18th, 2008 by Potato

Thanks to CC, I got my hands on a copy of Findependence Day
by Jonathan Chevreau to review. Findependence Day is the fictional story of a couple starting out with oppressive credit card and student debt, and how they learn to properly manage their money to reach financial independence (or Findependence), learning about RESPs, RRSPs, TFSAs, stocks, and frugality along the way.

It’s not a great story, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s short, and the lessons are there but not beat-you-over-the-head obvious. It’s basically an extended parable/anecdote for learning purposes. It’s edutainment. If you have the attention span and inclination to read a non-fiction personal finance book, then I recommend you do that, you’ll get a lot more information that way; the story is not compelling enough to recommend it purely as a work of fiction for those that all ready know the basics of their financial lives. However, if you (or someone you know) is not inclined to read up on financial planning (whether through books or blogs), then this is an excellent way to introduce them to the topic.

I was going to try to get my sister to read it next — she badly needs to start learning about how to manage her money. She doesn’t have the slightest interest in reading texts on the topic, so this might be a good way to trick her into learning this stuff… Except I realized that she’s 18. She needs to learn how to balance her chequing account and pay off her credit card, not how to grow her savings tax-free. This book isn’t actually going to help her at all at this point in her life. So instead I’m going to pass it on: if anyone would like to read it next just leave a comment and I’ll pass it along.

2 Responses to “Findependence Day”

  1. Jonathan Chevreau Says:

    Thanks for the review. True there’s nothing on balancing chequebbooks but even the opening chapter focuses on getting rid of credit card debtt: that’s thew whole pointt about “Guerilla Frugality.” As for the story not being great, that makes me wonder if you read the book until the end because most people who have really enjoyed the fiction part of it, even if they weren’t into the personal finance. As evidence, see the current ratings and minireviews at Chapters Online, here:

  2. Potato Says:

    I only see one person on the Chapters review calling it great — enjoyable, yes, which it was, just not great. It was an enjoyable, easy read. As edutainment with a purpose it works great, but if I’m going to hand someone a book purely for its fictional narrative, it wouldn’t be this book.

    This is not damning with faint praise… it’s merely praise. Take a look through the archives — I’m a critical person and there’s a negative spin on like 90% of the things that I review.

    And that bit about my sister says far more about the kind of remedial financial help she needs than the book. The book is, my sister excepted, quite appropriate for financial newbies.

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by!