Still Not Dead (2024 Remix)

September 22nd, 2024 by Potato

I know, it’s a bad sign when half of a blog’s recent posts page consists of “not-dead” posts, but it’s been a hell of a year. Here’s a quick recap of the woes, which I will promptly bury with something completely different.

So first off, we got kicked out of our house. It’s explicitly a risk that renters have to accept in the rent-vs-buy debate, but it still sucks when a risk is realized and slapping you in the face. It was extra sucky because our landlords decided to tell us that they were moving in in mid-August. They gave us much more than the minimum notice, saying we could stay until the new year… but that would mean Blueberry would have had to switch schools mid-year. We were under some pressure to not only move against our will, but to do so on an extremely tight timeline.

It was extra super-duper sucky timing because we had looked at a place in the maternal grandparents’ neighbourhood just a week or so before and passed on it, largely because we didn’t want to have an unnecessary move. If we had known a week early we would have jumped all over that place. Grr.

So we hustled and bustled to find a new place in a matter of weeks. Holy crap were some of the houses in complete shambles. One we were sure was possessed it was so grungy and grimy and gross feeling that it had to be the work of the supernatural. We did manage to get a lease on the last possible day to register for a new school year, and even that was crazy. I don’t know how realtors managed to sneak their greasy incompetent mittens into the leasing world, but they did, and we had to go through this realtor who knew nothing rather than being able to talk to the landlord directly until after we had been approved to sign a lease. Then the lease was some legal shambles spewed out by someone who clearly had no idea how leases work, with weird illegal, illogical clauses inserted. The biggest one being a clause that gave the landlord a rescission right for a number of days to check our credit. The landlord can absolutely check our credit, and we provided an invasive amount of information to let him do that… but that happens before signing the lease. Even if you allow for the idea of a conditional period to check in on credit, the clause was written so that the lease would be self-cancelling if he didn’t proactively provide a written notice of his approval, with the rescission period extending well into the period where we would have moved in. Let alone legality, it makes no common sense to have a lease self-immolate because a landlord forgot to send an email long after a tenant had already moved in. And then going through what felt like 10 different people to get that fixed (when Ontario has a standard lease template anyway!).

Whatever, it all sucked tremendously. Then the actual effort of packing and moving, which also sucked. But we’re here now.

And I skipped a step, this was preceded by moving my mom into a facility that was better able to care for her, so lots of work and effort there (and lots of thoughts to come on that). Then after packing up and moving our place, it was time to pack up and clear out mom’s place, and list it for sale in one of the slowest markets the GTA has seen this millennium.

So that was a big part of the fall/winter/spring I was away from the blog. Then comes this summer. I had called 2022 “the summer of suck” and 2024 was another contender for the title. To just rapid-fire out the news in one long paragraph, we went on a family road trip out East (so far so good), to the Potato holy land. The first day we arrived, it was unseasonably cold and the heat and hot water weren’t working. It was a dumb, simple to fix thing in the end (there are like 4 different emergency shut-offs for the power, gas, and water feeding the furnace and hot water heater, included one outside, and whoever had winterized my parents’ place had redundancy/paranoia in mind and had flipped them all) but took all of the first night and then all of the second day to go through all the troubleshooting steps to figure it out and get it working again. I thought that was going to be my big “ha-ha bad luck vacation story” but then the next day one of my aunts on my dad’s side got a sudden and severe case of pneumonia and had to go to the hospital, and died a few days later. On my mom’s side of the family, one of my uncles was struggling with some weird symptoms for a little while, and found out it was a super-aggressive brain cancer. He died barely a month after finally getting a diagnosis. And my mom had a bad, bad accident, rolling her wheelchair down a flight of stairs, ending up in a coma for a week and has been in the hospital for almost two months now (though is now in stable condition).

Anyway, I will bury this bad news post with another post right away, but some other rapid-fire updates:

  • I hate hate hate the new WordPress. I haven’t figured out how to make some equivalent of a classic editor plug-in work, but having to add a “new block” for every paragraph disrupts writing so much, and it creates so many ways for me to screw up the layout. I had to set up a new site from scratch and even though I’ve built like 6 or so sites on my own and worked on quite a number of other ones, I just kept getting stymied by this new approach to writing and design that they’ve taken on. The new site is live now (see next post!) and is reasonably ok-ish but I just can’t figure out how to tighten up the layout any more or add the elements I want to and I give up at this point, it’s good enough for people to get what they need out of it. But way harder than previous versions of WordPress, and seems to be actively hostile to users doing anything (even changing the stock photos in a pre-designed theme seemed to break things!). Zero stars.
  • I also haven’t posted on The Bird Site since the take-over, though I’ll probably go on it to promote the next post. I tried setting up an account on Threads with my usual username, and was instantly banned before I even posted anything — apparently holypotato is hate speech in Meta’s eyes? Anyway, the community on Threads appears to be more vibrant than Mastodon, but I’m still trying to figure out how to use it (esp. as it seems more mobile-oriented, so my ancient desktop-based brain can’t even figure out how to link you to my profile [oh there it goes]). Anyway, after my first round of being insta-banned I now have the oh-so-catchy handle of valueofsimpleca.
  • In the various house moves, I inherited my sister’s Peloton. Though the membership isn’t cheap, it is actually motivating me to “sweat every day” so yay for small health wins? There is some kind of social aspect to Peloton that, to echo a point from above, my ancient desktop-based brain has not figured out yet. I have #curling on my profile if that helps make friends?
  • I’ve made very little progress on the third edition of the Value of Simple. Instead, I wrote an entirely different book (see next post!). But the third edition is still on my (very long, very slow to clear) to-do list!

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